Why is Overcoming Low Self-Esteem so Important?
Raise your self-esteem to uncover your deeper interests. Your dreams may be hidden from your view because you fear failure, rejection, or maybe your feel dependent on the opinions of others.
In a recent report, Billionaires states they detached from the opinions of others and relied on their own instincts, crediting their success with their own ability to trust themselves. Learning to rely on your own strength increases your capacity to believe in your self-worth. The reverse is also true. Depending on the opinions of others, or even the help and assistance of others for things you can easily do yourself, weakens your ability to trust yourself and your own instincts.
Successful people value perseverance and know that the real prize is in the satisfaction and the internal positive regard they feel for a job well done. Don't fear the sensation of fear. It will evaoporate and through the process of alchemy, will replace itself with its true source, which is love. Love is the underlying emotion underneath everything. It is the underlying force under everything. Let it be your guiding light. These are decisions we each have to make throughout the day: Love or fear.
Self-Esteem Promotes Balance
Self-reliance invokes a well-balanced mind and compassion for others. A natural generosity and altruism replace selfishness, and joy in our work leads to freedom and strength. Learning to rely on yourself builds self-trust. This is a key to raising self-esteem. Get out of the game of denial or of pretending that others know what is best for you. You know what is best for you - maybe you just have to strengthen trust in yourself.
I passionately believe that our greatest dreams can come true. First we need to know ourselves more deeply and understand what it is we really want. Ask yourself for guidance daily, write and journal, expect the answers to come. As you dig, and ask, and seek, the answers will pop up as inspired thoughts, or casual encounters. I am always surprised at the subtle ways dreams come into reality. Instead of arriving with a brass band and lots of drama, our greatest desires can often slide into our reality the way a seagull skids onto the water, gently, quietly, without fanfare.
Be Great At The Tiny Things
Give your best to everything you are called to do throughout the day, and every encounter. Don’t compromise or be content with less than your best. Strengthen the force of love and attract those feelings back to yourself. As your success grows, your inspired thoughts will increase and your actions will become more fulfilling. Give your best to every day, even in tiny ways. Coax your dreams out of hiding. Give them the invitation that you are ready and willing to work for what you most desire.
You Were Born A Champion
If you have low-self esteem your focus will be on finding validation in the reaction and validation of others. It’s like asking permission to participate in life. You were given that permission when you were created and you achieved birth (no easy feat). Low self-esteem can cause you to fail, and prevent you from getting back up. It can also make you feel stuck along the route to your greatest desires and dreams. Stuck is a subject I am passionate about because I lived it. I learned that as we elevate our self-esteem through using the golden resources of listening to ourselves, not judging ourselves or others, and of consistently giving our best to everything we do throughout the day, we learn to trust ourselves and value our opinions again. Have courage, don’t be afraid, and be passionate about what you love. The rewards will be swift and empowering.
It's Your Power - Take it Back
You know yourself, your desires, and your strengths better than anyone else. Take your power back. At the end of the day, when you look in the mirror, the relationship you have is with yourself. Give yourself the gift of appreciation for daily efforts at doing your best. Your self-esteem depends on it.
Raise your self-esteem to uncover your deeper interests. Your dreams may be hidden from your view because you fear failure, rejection, or maybe your feel dependent on the opinions of others.
In a recent report, Billionaires states they detached from the opinions of others and relied on their own instincts, crediting their success with their own ability to trust themselves. Learning to rely on your own strength increases your capacity to believe in your self-worth. The reverse is also true. Depending on the opinions of others, or even the help and assistance of others for things you can easily do yourself, weakens your ability to trust yourself and your own instincts.
Successful people value perseverance and know that the real prize is in the satisfaction and the internal positive regard they feel for a job well done. Don't fear the sensation of fear. It will evaoporate and through the process of alchemy, will replace itself with its true source, which is love. Love is the underlying emotion underneath everything. It is the underlying force under everything. Let it be your guiding light. These are decisions we each have to make throughout the day: Love or fear.
Self-Esteem Promotes Balance
Self-reliance invokes a well-balanced mind and compassion for others. A natural generosity and altruism replace selfishness, and joy in our work leads to freedom and strength. Learning to rely on yourself builds self-trust. This is a key to raising self-esteem. Get out of the game of denial or of pretending that others know what is best for you. You know what is best for you - maybe you just have to strengthen trust in yourself.
I passionately believe that our greatest dreams can come true. First we need to know ourselves more deeply and understand what it is we really want. Ask yourself for guidance daily, write and journal, expect the answers to come. As you dig, and ask, and seek, the answers will pop up as inspired thoughts, or casual encounters. I am always surprised at the subtle ways dreams come into reality. Instead of arriving with a brass band and lots of drama, our greatest desires can often slide into our reality the way a seagull skids onto the water, gently, quietly, without fanfare.
Be Great At The Tiny Things
Give your best to everything you are called to do throughout the day, and every encounter. Don’t compromise or be content with less than your best. Strengthen the force of love and attract those feelings back to yourself. As your success grows, your inspired thoughts will increase and your actions will become more fulfilling. Give your best to every day, even in tiny ways. Coax your dreams out of hiding. Give them the invitation that you are ready and willing to work for what you most desire.
You Were Born A Champion
If you have low-self esteem your focus will be on finding validation in the reaction and validation of others. It’s like asking permission to participate in life. You were given that permission when you were created and you achieved birth (no easy feat). Low self-esteem can cause you to fail, and prevent you from getting back up. It can also make you feel stuck along the route to your greatest desires and dreams. Stuck is a subject I am passionate about because I lived it. I learned that as we elevate our self-esteem through using the golden resources of listening to ourselves, not judging ourselves or others, and of consistently giving our best to everything we do throughout the day, we learn to trust ourselves and value our opinions again. Have courage, don’t be afraid, and be passionate about what you love. The rewards will be swift and empowering.
It's Your Power - Take it Back
You know yourself, your desires, and your strengths better than anyone else. Take your power back. At the end of the day, when you look in the mirror, the relationship you have is with yourself. Give yourself the gift of appreciation for daily efforts at doing your best. Your self-esteem depends on it.