Why is my Dream a Secret?
Here’s the reason for our Secret Dreams: The purpose of our time in this life school called the Universe-City is to grow. We never stop growing and learning, evolving and improving all through our lives. Where do our desires come from? You may have an internal prompting, urging for something larger, something you ache or yearn for but can’t quite grasp. Have you ever been so frustrated at your attempts to chase your dream that one day you looked up at the sky and said to the Great Unknown Universe: “Just give me this dream of mine, or take away the desire!” Something implanted the longing inside of you, and it is that very desire that motivates you to enlarge your scope of knowledge and ability. Otherwise, why would you live where you do, think the thoughts you think, put your hands and body and mind to work as you do. Even if it’s just in your off times, when you are alone in your imagination,in that special private place you can go to escape in a world of fantasy where you visualize yourself stepping onto higher ground and achieving greatness that contributes to the lives of others, it is to grow, to become better, to become more.
Dreams Don’t Die, Only People
Now the interesting thing about a Dream is that it stays lodged inside until you commit to stepping onto its path. Just one committed step forward, and even a baby step makes it very happy. You will feel the gratitude and happiness inside immediately. The journey begins and one day, when the goals of the Dream are met, it will quickly replace itself with another Dream, even loftier; If the Dream is stifled as you advance in age, and forced to hide itself because Society may be saying to you, “You want to do WHAT? “You want to become THAT?” the Dream will get scared and mask itself in acceptable ways so you won’t be embarrassed by wanting to become a Comedienne at 60 or an actor at 75, or a singer at 50, or trade in your law practice for an art studio at 40. Alas, the Dream becomes a Secret.
It Could Use a Boost Down the Train Tracks of Life
This is where a Coach can help, to coax that Dream back out of hiding, to get you to look at your Secret Dream, acknowledge it, and give it permission to make you feel alive again. It’s like getting on the train at the train station and going to the first stop and getting off. That’s the stop where you work, and pretty much is your comfort zone of daily activities, people, and pursuits. You get on the train at the station, ready to take off on a new adventure, but you end up getting off at the first stop. You get on again in a frenzy of determination, and then you get off again, and again, afraid to change, to risk, to live fully.
New Choices, New Life- or, Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes
Now you are looking down the road, eyeing that station stop further ahead, wondering what it would be like. Not so bad, you think. You could always return to your familiar stop if the next one doesn’t work out. But the really strange and interesting thing about life, is that once you get on the train and go further, you want to go forward, not backward. Not in the same way, not as the same person. You will have grown. You will be closer to fitting into the skin of the person who lives in your imagination who has achieved your greatest dream.
The Deep Call of The Whistle
The dream doesn’t recognize limitations and doesn’t go away no matter how long you live. It’s there, inside your heart, waiting, wishing, hoping you will hear the whistle blow. Why not answer its call? It will guide you each step you are willing to take, through confusion and fear. You will grow from the experience and your life will never be the same once you answer the call of your Secret Dream.
Here’s the reason for our Secret Dreams: The purpose of our time in this life school called the Universe-City is to grow. We never stop growing and learning, evolving and improving all through our lives. Where do our desires come from? You may have an internal prompting, urging for something larger, something you ache or yearn for but can’t quite grasp. Have you ever been so frustrated at your attempts to chase your dream that one day you looked up at the sky and said to the Great Unknown Universe: “Just give me this dream of mine, or take away the desire!” Something implanted the longing inside of you, and it is that very desire that motivates you to enlarge your scope of knowledge and ability. Otherwise, why would you live where you do, think the thoughts you think, put your hands and body and mind to work as you do. Even if it’s just in your off times, when you are alone in your imagination,in that special private place you can go to escape in a world of fantasy where you visualize yourself stepping onto higher ground and achieving greatness that contributes to the lives of others, it is to grow, to become better, to become more.
Dreams Don’t Die, Only People
Now the interesting thing about a Dream is that it stays lodged inside until you commit to stepping onto its path. Just one committed step forward, and even a baby step makes it very happy. You will feel the gratitude and happiness inside immediately. The journey begins and one day, when the goals of the Dream are met, it will quickly replace itself with another Dream, even loftier; If the Dream is stifled as you advance in age, and forced to hide itself because Society may be saying to you, “You want to do WHAT? “You want to become THAT?” the Dream will get scared and mask itself in acceptable ways so you won’t be embarrassed by wanting to become a Comedienne at 60 or an actor at 75, or a singer at 50, or trade in your law practice for an art studio at 40. Alas, the Dream becomes a Secret.
It Could Use a Boost Down the Train Tracks of Life
This is where a Coach can help, to coax that Dream back out of hiding, to get you to look at your Secret Dream, acknowledge it, and give it permission to make you feel alive again. It’s like getting on the train at the train station and going to the first stop and getting off. That’s the stop where you work, and pretty much is your comfort zone of daily activities, people, and pursuits. You get on the train at the station, ready to take off on a new adventure, but you end up getting off at the first stop. You get on again in a frenzy of determination, and then you get off again, and again, afraid to change, to risk, to live fully.
New Choices, New Life- or, Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes
Now you are looking down the road, eyeing that station stop further ahead, wondering what it would be like. Not so bad, you think. You could always return to your familiar stop if the next one doesn’t work out. But the really strange and interesting thing about life, is that once you get on the train and go further, you want to go forward, not backward. Not in the same way, not as the same person. You will have grown. You will be closer to fitting into the skin of the person who lives in your imagination who has achieved your greatest dream.
The Deep Call of The Whistle
The dream doesn’t recognize limitations and doesn’t go away no matter how long you live. It’s there, inside your heart, waiting, wishing, hoping you will hear the whistle blow. Why not answer its call? It will guide you each step you are willing to take, through confusion and fear. You will grow from the experience and your life will never be the same once you answer the call of your Secret Dream.