Where is your Energy Going?
"Concentrate Your Energy and Hoard Your Strength" Sun Tzu
If you have been wrestling with the law of attraction, still stuck in old patterns of lack or limiting ideas and behaviors that aren’t leading you forward, it might feel that the ‘magic wand’ of this attraction might not be
working. But remember, it works for you all day long, maybe just not in the way you want.
Take these steps to activate this attractive force to your advantage, and stop blocking the flow of abundance that is your Divine nature:
Connect to loving thoughts and ideas at all times. Another way to express this is through gratitude.
Look around you and notice anything and everything that brings you feelings of love.
The Law of Attraction responds to feelings so keep yours peaceful, patient, tolerant, tranquil and loving.
You have the ability to do this and each time you remember to practice, you will give yourself greater levels of emotional strength and resilience.
Money is energy – keep your energy positive and your life will be a reflection of your highest thoughts and feelings. Your dreams can come true, stay positive and take daily steps in the direction of your dreams to build momentum. This will stop the energy leaks caused by defeating thoughts and behaviors.
working. But remember, it works for you all day long, maybe just not in the way you want.
Take these steps to activate this attractive force to your advantage, and stop blocking the flow of abundance that is your Divine nature:
Connect to loving thoughts and ideas at all times. Another way to express this is through gratitude.
Look around you and notice anything and everything that brings you feelings of love.
The Law of Attraction responds to feelings so keep yours peaceful, patient, tolerant, tranquil and loving.
You have the ability to do this and each time you remember to practice, you will give yourself greater levels of emotional strength and resilience.
Money is energy – keep your energy positive and your life will be a reflection of your highest thoughts and feelings. Your dreams can come true, stay positive and take daily steps in the direction of your dreams to build momentum. This will stop the energy leaks caused by defeating thoughts and behaviors.