"Right livelihood is an idea about work which is linked to the
natural order
of things. It is doing our best at what we do best.”
Marsha Sinetar, Do What You Love, The Money Will Follow
There is dignity in taking care of yourself. The Law of Attraction is an exciting, life changing belief system, and once you step on the path to making your dreams come true your life can be transformative. Yet, many people find themselves throwing everything they have worked for away and turning suddenly to pursuing their dreams before they have all the foundational steps in place. Keep your day job, or find work that uses your skills, talents or abilities so you can meet your financial needs and maintain a sense of being useful and productive. Then turn inward and increase your belief in what is possible. Do this every day and build a solid beginning that will lead you onward to the new life you desire. Meanwhile, you will raise your self-esteem, take care of yourself in a much more loving way, and maintain your dignity, all important steps that attract and magnetize your dreams.
"Change always comes bearing gifts."
--Price Pritchett
Turning Point, Part II
It might not make sense at first that crisis and loss can lead you to the discovery of something more lasting and even more fulfilling. Maybe you're facing a difficult financial loss, or the ending of a relationship. You may not see how following your passion, going after your greatest Dreams, and listening to the yearnings of your heart could possibly make sense at a time like this.
When a turning Point occurs, it is your opportunity for a fresh start, a new beginning. You can start over. As the past takes its proper place, the present moment allows the curtain to fall, and rise again with Act II. It's as if the past really was a dress rehearsal, because now you can take your experience and all those lessons learned, and like alchemy, turn them into your assets and take them with you.
Strangely, it's at the critical times, that opportunities are detected, drawing us in with a 'what if?'. The more you entertain the idea that something you secretly hoped for might be possible for you, the greater the chances it will occur.
We're more receptive to something new when everything else falls away.
Remember those feelings of being 'sick and tired of being sick and tired?' Maybe you're like me and say, "I'm over it." Just don't judge yourself, stop second guessing your intuitive urgings, flashes, and deepest wishes. Strengthen your imagination by using it - sit with possibility, and the mystery and magic of the 'what if?'
As your personal signs appear, the inner excitement grows and your enthusiasm will carry you on the wings of momentum.
Embrace the loss as change. Realize there is a way out.
"Adversity has the effect of eliciting talents which, in prosperous circumstances, would have lain dormant."
It might not make sense at first that crisis and loss can lead you to the discovery of something more lasting and even more fulfilling. Maybe you're facing a difficult financial loss, or the ending of a relationship. You may not see how following your passion, going after your greatest Dreams, and listening to the yearnings of your heart could possibly make sense at a time like this.
When a turning Point occurs, it is your opportunity for a fresh start, a new beginning. You can start over. As the past takes its proper place, the present moment allows the curtain to fall, and rise again with Act II. It's as if the past really was a dress rehearsal, because now you can take your experience and all those lessons learned, and like alchemy, turn them into your assets and take them with you.
Strangely, it's at the critical times, that opportunities are detected, drawing us in with a 'what if?'. The more you entertain the idea that something you secretly hoped for might be possible for you, the greater the chances it will occur.
We're more receptive to something new when everything else falls away.
Remember those feelings of being 'sick and tired of being sick and tired?' Maybe you're like me and say, "I'm over it." Just don't judge yourself, stop second guessing your intuitive urgings, flashes, and deepest wishes. Strengthen your imagination by using it - sit with possibility, and the mystery and magic of the 'what if?'
As your personal signs appear, the inner excitement grows and your enthusiasm will carry you on the wings of momentum.
Embrace the loss as change. Realize there is a way out.
"Adversity has the effect of eliciting talents which, in prosperous circumstances, would have lain dormant."
The Turning Point, Part I
We each reach many turning points in life. Often, it can seem like a revelation, appearing with eye-opening surprise that we could actually have made such a giant leap.
Usually, It’s after the ‘last straw’ that you finally are ready to make a sharp turn and take the risk to change in a big way. Like a bucket of water now empty, you cannot coax one more drop of liquid from the bucket. You're fed up, and your vessel is empty. The bucket is dry.
You are ready to run head first into the thing that scares you.
Like a suffer running to greet the icy waves crashing into the shore, she sprints headlong into the waves and swims swiftly as she pulls her shivering body onto the board and paddles fast, then faster to meet the giant wave arriving with the force of a monster. She greets the wave when it looms tallest, curled like a sniper as if waiting to strike and smash her to the ocean's floor. Instead, the tiny figure of the woman tames the monster wave, straightens up on the board and uses the force of nature to give her the ride of her life safely back to shore, all the while feeling the thrill and exhilaration of being alive.
Others, not ready to take the risk, sit on the shore, watching, waiting, and wishing they could face the cold water and overcome their fears.
A turning point can’t be ignored, like a stone in your shoe – the throbbing soreness is too painful to ignore. Maybe you could wiggle the stone to the side of the shoe for awhile, but eventually, the aggravation builds, and one day you have to remove the stone. You can’t go on in the same way any longer.
A turning point offers a release of energy, like an electric charge it surges renewal through your body. You are meant to move forward in life, toward higher purpose and growth. you're not supposed to remain stuck in confusion, dissatisfaction, isolation or to remain stagnant in fear of the unknown. The unknown is a mysterious and exciting opportunity, ripe for something brand new. The mystery builds and tempts and sweet talks you into looking in a new direction. Finally, you admit that maybe there is something more, or a different way to live. Maybe you could consider a new beginning. Just maybe you could even let go of old habits and worn out ideas.
A change in attitude isn’t enough. You have to change more than your mind.
But it's the place to start. And when you're ready, you might have to face pain and discomfort, like the icy water at the edge of the shore. You will have to confront what scares you, and welcome it like a monster wave. And at the other side, after you've made the phone call, committed to change, signed up for the class, reached out for help, the giant has been tamed and you can live your life with gusto. Courage has a way of snapping you up from the bud phase and causing you to blossom.
Whenever you come from a place of courage you strengthen your ability to cope, and reinforce resilience. The opposite occurs when you stay tight in your comfort zone. You weaken your resolve, limit your options.
The risk to blossom can seem overwhelming. Moving through the green of the stem is a narrow channel and you may become vulnerable, transparent in your aching, but it's not for nothing. All the old hopes and dreams you’ve been holding on to in secret may be ready for the blooming of expression. Quickly, a shift occurs as you focus on possibilities instead of limitations.
As you step onto the bridge of change with a willingness to change yourself, your behavior and your life – at all costs – you will discover that the change seems natural and right. You will feel like yourself again – at home in your skin.
Dreams pass into the reality of action. From the actions stems the dream again; and this interdependence produces the highest form of living.
Anais nin.
We each reach many turning points in life. Often, it can seem like a revelation, appearing with eye-opening surprise that we could actually have made such a giant leap.
Usually, It’s after the ‘last straw’ that you finally are ready to make a sharp turn and take the risk to change in a big way. Like a bucket of water now empty, you cannot coax one more drop of liquid from the bucket. You're fed up, and your vessel is empty. The bucket is dry.
You are ready to run head first into the thing that scares you.
Like a suffer running to greet the icy waves crashing into the shore, she sprints headlong into the waves and swims swiftly as she pulls her shivering body onto the board and paddles fast, then faster to meet the giant wave arriving with the force of a monster. She greets the wave when it looms tallest, curled like a sniper as if waiting to strike and smash her to the ocean's floor. Instead, the tiny figure of the woman tames the monster wave, straightens up on the board and uses the force of nature to give her the ride of her life safely back to shore, all the while feeling the thrill and exhilaration of being alive.
Others, not ready to take the risk, sit on the shore, watching, waiting, and wishing they could face the cold water and overcome their fears.
A turning point can’t be ignored, like a stone in your shoe – the throbbing soreness is too painful to ignore. Maybe you could wiggle the stone to the side of the shoe for awhile, but eventually, the aggravation builds, and one day you have to remove the stone. You can’t go on in the same way any longer.
A turning point offers a release of energy, like an electric charge it surges renewal through your body. You are meant to move forward in life, toward higher purpose and growth. you're not supposed to remain stuck in confusion, dissatisfaction, isolation or to remain stagnant in fear of the unknown. The unknown is a mysterious and exciting opportunity, ripe for something brand new. The mystery builds and tempts and sweet talks you into looking in a new direction. Finally, you admit that maybe there is something more, or a different way to live. Maybe you could consider a new beginning. Just maybe you could even let go of old habits and worn out ideas.
A change in attitude isn’t enough. You have to change more than your mind.
But it's the place to start. And when you're ready, you might have to face pain and discomfort, like the icy water at the edge of the shore. You will have to confront what scares you, and welcome it like a monster wave. And at the other side, after you've made the phone call, committed to change, signed up for the class, reached out for help, the giant has been tamed and you can live your life with gusto. Courage has a way of snapping you up from the bud phase and causing you to blossom.
Whenever you come from a place of courage you strengthen your ability to cope, and reinforce resilience. The opposite occurs when you stay tight in your comfort zone. You weaken your resolve, limit your options.
The risk to blossom can seem overwhelming. Moving through the green of the stem is a narrow channel and you may become vulnerable, transparent in your aching, but it's not for nothing. All the old hopes and dreams you’ve been holding on to in secret may be ready for the blooming of expression. Quickly, a shift occurs as you focus on possibilities instead of limitations.
As you step onto the bridge of change with a willingness to change yourself, your behavior and your life – at all costs – you will discover that the change seems natural and right. You will feel like yourself again – at home in your skin.
Dreams pass into the reality of action. From the actions stems the dream again; and this interdependence produces the highest form of living.
Anais nin.
Take small steps forward and keep it simple to get beyond the feeling of being stuck or trapped. You might be settling for less than you really want and feeling like a victim to your circumstances. To move beyond the plateau, allow success to unfold. “It grows first underground. In due time, it appears and keeps on unfolding.” Elizabeth Towne (1904)
Success starts slowly, behind the scenes. You begin by developing skill, and your confidence blossoms into a passion. Love is at the core. What that means is you give your best to every part of it. For example, If you are known for baking pies, you buy the best ingredients, you don’t compromise or settle. You love the preparation, you find it relaxing, and you get in a good mood when you bake pies. You enjoy the scent of the pie baking in the oven, the way you are able to share your love with your family.
When you serve it, you probably buy the best ice cream, and serve it on your best dishes. That’s what it means to love what you do. Eventually you might take your pie to the State Fair and win awards. You might have requests from people who want to buy your pie. You might open a Franchise Restaurant like Marie Callender's. You share your joy in baking pies and contribute by doing what you love. You make a lot of pie eaters very happy.
What you love might be unconventional. It may not even be what you went to school to learn. If you love it, keep doing it. You are the only ‘You’ in the entire world. You have something unique and special to do that no one else can do in exactly the same way.
What is it you love doing? Is there something you are good at that comes easily to you, but others might find it hard to do? Can you do this thing you love more frequently and get even better, or could you turn it into a career?
Meanwhile, remember to pause and reflect on all that you have in this moment. Take the time to appreciate how much you have learned, and how you have triumphed. Give yourself positive feedback.
~Appreciate you love in this moment
~Do what you love
And one day when you are considered an 'overnight success,' it will be because you've been sowing the seeds of success all along.
Take small steps forward and keep it simple to get beyond the feeling of being stuck or trapped. You might be settling for less than you really want and feeling like a victim to your circumstances. To move beyond the plateau, allow success to unfold. “It grows first underground. In due time, it appears and keeps on unfolding.” Elizabeth Towne (1904)
Success starts slowly, behind the scenes. You begin by developing skill, and your confidence blossoms into a passion. Love is at the core. What that means is you give your best to every part of it. For example, If you are known for baking pies, you buy the best ingredients, you don’t compromise or settle. You love the preparation, you find it relaxing, and you get in a good mood when you bake pies. You enjoy the scent of the pie baking in the oven, the way you are able to share your love with your family.
When you serve it, you probably buy the best ice cream, and serve it on your best dishes. That’s what it means to love what you do. Eventually you might take your pie to the State Fair and win awards. You might have requests from people who want to buy your pie. You might open a Franchise Restaurant like Marie Callender's. You share your joy in baking pies and contribute by doing what you love. You make a lot of pie eaters very happy.
What you love might be unconventional. It may not even be what you went to school to learn. If you love it, keep doing it. You are the only ‘You’ in the entire world. You have something unique and special to do that no one else can do in exactly the same way.
What is it you love doing? Is there something you are good at that comes easily to you, but others might find it hard to do? Can you do this thing you love more frequently and get even better, or could you turn it into a career?
Meanwhile, remember to pause and reflect on all that you have in this moment. Take the time to appreciate how much you have learned, and how you have triumphed. Give yourself positive feedback.
~Appreciate you love in this moment
~Do what you love
And one day when you are considered an 'overnight success,' it will be because you've been sowing the seeds of success all along.
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