We're in school in this earth experience and we get tested along the way. Often the tests occur daily in our interactions with other people. Consider, as you move toward attracting your greatest dreams, you might have to get along with people who are more difficult for you, even people who might trigger your shadow side – that part of yourself you try to only show close friends or family, or even deny or repress.
You can learn to get along with everyone. Everyone. That is not to imply we can please all the people all the time, I wouldn’t even suggest you try. However, as you interact with others throughout your day, from the person who serves you coffee, to your boss or your teachers, friends or coworkers, to the long line of people in the supermarket, to the uncomfortable phone calls with bill collectors, to your sports team at the end of the day, to the person you finally plop onto the couch with at the end of the day – it’s all been your daily dose of lessons on learning to treat others as you want to be treated.
And get this: when you do, you pass the test and you get a higher experience, often immediately. The phone rings, you meet someone, you come across information that sends you forward. You’ll know you passed a test, it will be something you’ve been wanting, hoping, wishing, dreaming for. Begin to notice. Keep an evidence journal. Your dream will head in your direction as you move on to higher experiences because, remember, your dream resides in a higher realm of thought and experience that you haven’t reached yet.
Begin to notice your interaction with others. You won’t always be happy with yourself. That’s okay, you’re trying. Even better, as you become conscious, and develop awareness, it means you’re awake and present to the moment. When you become conscious more and more frequently, you will be able to make the changes in yourself you want to make and your world around you will change and your reality will shift.
It’s the way out of stuck. It’s your way home to yourself. It’s the beginning of something more wonderful than you can imagine.
We're in school in this earth experience and we get tested along the way. Often the tests occur daily in our interactions with other people. Consider, as you move toward attracting your greatest dreams, you might have to get along with people who are more difficult for you, even people who might trigger your shadow side – that part of yourself you try to only show close friends or family, or even deny or repress.
You can learn to get along with everyone. Everyone. That is not to imply we can please all the people all the time, I wouldn’t even suggest you try. However, as you interact with others throughout your day, from the person who serves you coffee, to your boss or your teachers, friends or coworkers, to the long line of people in the supermarket, to the uncomfortable phone calls with bill collectors, to your sports team at the end of the day, to the person you finally plop onto the couch with at the end of the day – it’s all been your daily dose of lessons on learning to treat others as you want to be treated.
And get this: when you do, you pass the test and you get a higher experience, often immediately. The phone rings, you meet someone, you come across information that sends you forward. You’ll know you passed a test, it will be something you’ve been wanting, hoping, wishing, dreaming for. Begin to notice. Keep an evidence journal. Your dream will head in your direction as you move on to higher experiences because, remember, your dream resides in a higher realm of thought and experience that you haven’t reached yet.
Begin to notice your interaction with others. You won’t always be happy with yourself. That’s okay, you’re trying. Even better, as you become conscious, and develop awareness, it means you’re awake and present to the moment. When you become conscious more and more frequently, you will be able to make the changes in yourself you want to make and your world around you will change and your reality will shift.
It’s the way out of stuck. It’s your way home to yourself. It’s the beginning of something more wonderful than you can imagine.